Thursday 19 April 2012

Rimmel Lycra pro 402 Urban purple

Hi everyone, it's another post about my favourite high street nail polish!!
Urban purple is a plum red shade and has a real purple colour to it in certain lights and I was excited to try it.
I have to be honest with you all, this was one coat!  It is amazingly opaque and I honestly didn't see the need for anymore than one coat as it wasn't sheer in any parts!
It was amazingly glossy too and I love it!
As I've said a million times, these nail polishes are amazing for the price and really last well and I highly recomend them.
Thanks for reading x


  1. Lovely shade :D I agree Rimmel are such good quality.


  2. I think Rimmel polishes are underated but I wish they'd release more shades in the pro range :)
